words used frequently
amarre : a leg wrap. ( also wrongly known as : enganche )
barrida: a foot-sweep.
boleo: a leg flick of one person in the air, but not between the legs of the other person.
cadena: "a chain" - three or four steps involving change of direction that repeats itself.
cambio de frente: change of direction of a turn.
colgada: "a hanger" - when the followers axis is tilted (away from the leader).
gancho: "a hook" where one person flicks the leg between the legs of the his/her partner.
( or enganche from to "" hook up to " " to hook up "" )
golden age: the period from 1935-1950 when tango experienced particular high popularity.
giro o vuelta : " turn " " change of direction "
molinete : spin the partner around the lead ,
grapevine: a series of steps that follow the pattern of a forward step, side, back, side, forward, side, back, side, forward...
can be done in a turn or in a streight line ( there are no rule for this pattern )
ochos: "eights" : def. down below
front ocho consists of a step forward with a pivot and then another step forward,
back ocho consists of two back steps with a pivot in between.
parada: "stopped" - also known as a "" block ""one foot of one person stops the motion of one foot of the partner.
sacada: a displacement. sacadas are the entering of the foot of one person between the feet of the partner with a displacement of the other's space.
salto: "jump" - leading your partner/yourself into a jump.
sanguichito, "in the middle " meaning a foot sandwich where both feet of one person are sandwiching the foot of the partner.
sentada: "a sitting action" - e.g. you lead the partner into a sit on your thigh.
soltada: "let go" - when you open your embrace and get creative.
volcada: literally "a tip-over"; in practice the followers axis is tilted (towards the leader). Please is NO VOLGADA !
Next page : credits to authors and bibliographers
barrida: a foot-sweep.
boleo: a leg flick of one person in the air, but not between the legs of the other person.
cadena: "a chain" - three or four steps involving change of direction that repeats itself.
cambio de frente: change of direction of a turn.
colgada: "a hanger" - when the followers axis is tilted (away from the leader).
gancho: "a hook" where one person flicks the leg between the legs of the his/her partner.
( or enganche from to "" hook up to " " to hook up "" )
golden age: the period from 1935-1950 when tango experienced particular high popularity.
giro o vuelta : " turn " " change of direction "
molinete : spin the partner around the lead ,
grapevine: a series of steps that follow the pattern of a forward step, side, back, side, forward, side, back, side, forward...
can be done in a turn or in a streight line ( there are no rule for this pattern )
ochos: "eights" : def. down below
front ocho consists of a step forward with a pivot and then another step forward,
back ocho consists of two back steps with a pivot in between.
parada: "stopped" - also known as a "" block ""one foot of one person stops the motion of one foot of the partner.
sacada: a displacement. sacadas are the entering of the foot of one person between the feet of the partner with a displacement of the other's space.
salto: "jump" - leading your partner/yourself into a jump.
sanguichito, "in the middle " meaning a foot sandwich where both feet of one person are sandwiching the foot of the partner.
sentada: "a sitting action" - e.g. you lead the partner into a sit on your thigh.
soltada: "let go" - when you open your embrace and get creative.
volcada: literally "a tip-over"; in practice the followers axis is tilted (towards the leader). Please is NO VOLGADA !
Next page : credits to authors and bibliographers